How to simplify your week in 5 minutes?

Color - code your calendar

After reading this post, we’ll see:

  • How much time & effort is wasted (by the default calendar settings).

  • Why this is a big deal.

  • How you can set meeting color codes (in Microsoft Outlook).


Color - code your calendar. This simple change will help you focus better, be more productive & also reduce stress.

Does your calendar look like this? If so, this is a disease. You need help.

There are a ton of problems I see in this calendar & schedule.

But today, we’ll fix the visual aspect. In later editions, we’ll solve the root of this problem.

If your calendar looks similar, I bet you feel stressed & Anxious, wondering:

🤒 What's coming up
🤒 Do I have to prepare for it?
🤒 What's my role in the meeting?

You’re not alone. People are spending ~15 % to ~ 40 % of their time on mails & calendars:

It’s not a good way to work.

However, in a few steps, you can simplify your week. By color - coding your calendar. e.g.

Doesn’t it look much better? No more confusion. These are my color codes:

  • Deep work slot

  • Meetings I’m hosting

  • Meetings I’m attending.

Now, in 1 glance I can tell what my day & week look like. And how I should prepare. e.g. before a meeting I’m hosting - do I have the relevant information readily available?

If you don’t like these colors, you can pick your own 😀 

Ok. But why should I know about this?

Color - coding has multiple benefits. It:

Also, 83 % of the meetings are unproductive. This we will tackle in a later edition.

How you can set meeting color codes (in Microsoft Outlook):

  1. Click on the meeting.

  2. Click on “Categorize”.

  3. Select color of choice.

  4. Repeat for all meetings.

  5. You can also customize if you need a different color:

That’s it!!

I hope this concept helps you save a ton of time and headache . If you found this helpful, share with someone who will benefit.

P.S: Did you like this idea? Let me know. I personally respond to each mail.


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