How to make procrastination impossible?

The Minimum viable action method

After reading this post, we’ll see:

  • What is MVA - minimum viable action

  • Why it makes procrastination impossible

  • Bonus - a tool which makes this super - easy!


Break down your goal / daily habit to be so small that it’s impossible to not do

More than half the year is gone. On Jan 1st we had a lot of goals..

👉 I'll work out daily
👉 I'll build my side - business
👉 I'll complete that important certification

I did. How about you?

Until recently, I sucked working on my goals.

🔴 Sometimes I'm not motivated
🔴 On some other days I'm distracted
🔴 Sometimes I think "what's the point"?

Life happens. It's busy. I get it.

What If I told you, I have a method which makes procrastination impossible?

Enter the MVA - minimum viable action.

But what the heck is it?

In the startup world there’s something called a “Minimum viable product”. It is the most simple, basic version of your product or service. Read more about it here.

This idea can be applied to habits effectively. The Minimum viable action is the most basic step of your habit. e.g. if my goal is to do 25 pushups daily, the minimum viable action is to do 1 pushup.

Why does it work?

Most of the time, the battle is in your mind. E.g. if your goal is to meditate for 20 min daily at 5 AM in your living room. The MVA = meditate for 1 minute. This is your aim.

The most difficult parts:

  • Waking up at 5 AM

  • Not snoozing the alarm

  • Not listening to your mind telling you “let’s just sleep today 😀 “

These are easy problems to solve - just keep your alarm outside your bedroom. You won’t have a choice but to wake up and switch it off!

Btw, you can also use the 5 - second rule here.

Once you’re past this hurdle, your aim is to get ready and meditate for just 1 minute. At this point, I bet - you WILL meditate for more than 1 minute.

You can make this easier - you can break down the “get ready” part to -

  • Prepare my living room to meditate.

  • Unroll my yoga mat to sit on.

And so on…

Bonus - a free tool for you:

I want to help you make procrastination impossible. Check it out:

I came across this in Reddit. And was blown away when I tested it. It does all the planning for you. All you have to do is, enter your goal. e.g. if I want to meditate for 20 min daily at 5 AM in my living room ( this hyper - specific goal is highly effective. It’s called “implementation intentions” ):

Wild, isn’t it? The best part - you can expand each step. e.g. “Step 3 in the above list“ -


That’s it!!

I hope this concept helps you crush your goals by building awesome habits. If you found this helpful, share with someone who will benefit.

Further reading:

P.S: Did you like this idea? Let me know. I personally respond to each mail.


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