How to get more stuff done in less time

The Eisenhower matrix

After reading this article, you’ll learn:

  1. What is the Eisenhower matrix?

  2. How to use it in your daily life.

Do you constantly feel busy, unable to complete your endless to-do list? Do you struggle to determine what tasks are truly important and which ones aren't? Or perhaps you need a simple way to manage your time? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, I have an easy solution: the Eisenhower matrix. This is a time management and decision-making framework used in business.

I’m a mechanical engineer and I frequently use this template in my personal and professional life. It has greatly helped me.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

President Dwight D. Eisenhower led the United States for two terms.

He employed this method to handle and prioritize the many challenges he faced in his distinguished career:

He oversaw the construction of the Interstate Highway System.

His administration established NASA.

He was a U.S. Army general, the first Supreme Commander of NATO, president of Columbia University, and more.

Clearly, he was a highly effective and productive person.

Stephen Covey popularized his time - management framework in the book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People .

Using the Eisenhower Matrix is straightforward. It has 4 sections:

  • Important and urgent: Focus on these tasks immediately. This is top priority.

  • Important, not urgent: Schedule these for later.

  • Urgent, not important: Delegate these to someone else.

  • Not urgent and not important: Delete these tasks to save time!

    In short, prioritize important and urgent work. Schedule important tasks. Delegate or delete the rest.

Let’s look at 1 professional example.

Say you’re working in office and have these 8 open tasks.

  1. Complete appraisal for team

  2. Submit report to boss before deadline (tomorrow!)

  3. Attend leadership training

  4. Attend networking event

  5. Analyze and solve High $$$ warranty return

  6. Mail engineering team with technical questions

  7. Schedule ideation meeting with team

  8. Attend sales team meeting (I'm an optional attendee)

Since this is a simple list, it’s very difficult to understand which one I should be doing now. Now let’s use the template (you can copy & use this):

Now you see, I have a very clear idea on what I should do first, and how I can plan the other tasks. Most importantly, I’ve deleted 2 tasks = more time.

Hopefully this method helps simplify your life and saves you a lot of time making decisions.

Start using this simple tool, and let me know if it helped you. And if so, don't forget to share with friends and family too.


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